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Sage Wand

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Sage has a long history of use as a spice and for health purposes. It was used as a traditional herbal remedy in ancient Greece and Rome, as well as in Native American and Chinese medicine. Today, sage is promoted for sore mouth or throat, memory loss, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, and other conditions.

Saging your new home soon after you move in is expected to rid the space of any negative energy from the previous owner(s). People who burn sage hope to clear out any unwanted lingering energy to create a blank space for the life they’ll build in their new home. Think of it as the final step in making your house a home. 

Step 1: Light your sage at a 45º angle with your candle, and let it burn for 10-20 seconds.

Step 2: Blow out the flame so only embers remain, and smoke will follow.

Step 3: Slowly walk around your space to allow the smoke to waft around. Professionals say it’s important to give special attention to areas in front of mirrors, corners, and spaces like entrances, hallways, and doorways. Saging underneath your laptop or cell phone is also recommended to promote positivity and good energy into your workspace and digital life.

It can also be beneficial to say a prayer, mantra, or affirmation as you go in order to make the energy cleaning more powerful and sacred.

At this point in the ritual, it’s worth saying again: Be safe! You have an active flame in your home, which can potentially be hazardous. Don’t leave your sage unattended, and don’t inhale too much of the smoke. If you see embers falling on the ground, put them out immediately, preferably with a wet towel.

Step 4: Put out your sage. When you’re all done with your ritual, push the burning end into your clay bowl or fireproof vessel. Dirt and sand in your bowl will help put out your sage safely. Make sure there is no lingering smoke coming from your sage. We don’t recommend using water to put out your sage since it will make it harder to relight next time.

Cleanses and purifies
Contains anti-bacterial properties
Enhances concentration
Provides aromatherapy
Helps with meditation and mindfulness
Aesthetic and sensory experience

White Sage

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